Brochure Executive education_ISAE-SUPAERO_2025

Management & Innovation Top managers need to master technical and managerial skills. Project management requires mastering a wide scope of knowledge and know-how adapted to this challenging worldwide business. To address these needs, ISAESUPAERO offers 2 Advanced Master programmes: • The Aerospace Project Management – APM – Advanced Master provides participants with cutting edge knowledge and the skills required to lead Project or Program teams in the global aerospace and defence industry. • The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management - IEM - Advanced Master focusing on developing innovation skills, as well as entrepreneurial methods and tools. Those skills are increasingly critical: we offer a certificate and several short courses to professionals who are seeking to improve themselves. PROJECT MANAGEMENT From the AM Aerospace Project Management (APM) Preparation to PMI certification - PMI1 part-time 2 days/week, Philippe Girard. Objectives: Get trained by PMBOK experts to prepare the CAPM® (Certified Associate in Project Management) or PMP® (Project Management Professional) exams. PMI certification is well-known, acknowledged and appreciated all over the world. The teachers are certified themselves and reference PMBOK experts. CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies Ideation and technological innovation - MP1 Romain Buquet 4 short courses: MP151, MP152, MP255, MP311 Objectives: Discover Design thinking approach, make a prototype and acquire a basic understanding of neurosciences and cognition to enhance your creativity skills. Understand recent collective intelligence and open innovation tools to manage and boost teams and facilitate teamwork. Acquire communication process and management style knowledge. Project Management & Digital Transformation - AIBT100 part-time (3x1 week), Rob Vingerhoeds Key contents : Project Management principles (OBS, WBS, planning, risk & control, Agile &V cycle), Data governance, digital transformation, Systems engineering (principles, methods and architecture and MBSE), Newways of working, Agile@scale implementation, Value Proposition & business model, Project presentation & Pitch, PMBok® presentation, Cybersecurity & risk management, Change management. From the AM AI & Business Transformation (AIBT) The price list and schedule are available upon request. From the AM Innovation Entrepreneneurship & Management (IEM) Philippe Girard, APM Programme Head Romain Buquet, IEM Programme Head 22 ////////