Brochure Executive education_ISAE-SUPAERO_2025

Space communications systems - IS418 Course supervisor: José Radzik, ISAE-SUPAERO Key contents: Introduction to Satellite Communications Systems; Satellite communications systems architectures and components; Types of orbits, radio regulations. Link Analysis; Digital communications; Satellite networking; Multibeam satellite systems. Satellite communications payload; Performance objectives and functions; Repeater architecture; Antenna coverage concepts. Space surveillance - IS440 Course supervisor: Emmanuel Delande, CNES Key contents: General overview on space debris (origin, sources, risks, evolution) including concepts about Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST). Different techniques used: Orbit Determination, Observation-to-Object association problem, Collision Risk Management, Time of Closest Approach(TCA), computation of the Probability of Collision(PoC) with a short-encounter method. Space systems architecture - IS450a Course supervisor: Thibault Gateau, ISAE-SUPAERO Key contents: Mission analysis; Orbitography; Tracking error analysis. Radio communications; Satellite emitter power; Station emitter power; Link budget calculation. Thermal analysis; External flux analysis; Temperatures calculation. Power subsystem; Solar panel sizing; Battery sizing; Global analysis. Attitude control system; External torques analysis; Performance requirements; Architecture definition; Actuators and sensors sizing. Systems engineering of space systems - IS552 Course supervisor: Thierry Tournier, AIRBUS DEFENCE AND SPACE Key contents: Juice spacecraft system design approach; Mission concept and astrometry measurement principle; Spacecraft design elaboration; Spacecraft design evolutions from advanced studies to frozen design; Spacecraft autonomy and failure management; Development model philosophy; Test facilities and environmental test campaigns; Functional verification; Performance verification; Juice project management. Implementation of Juice within the ESA space science program; Industrial organization and team build up. SPACE 26 ////////