Brochure Executive education_ISAE-SUPAERO_2025

Aeronautic, Space & Defence AED 002 Systèmes propulsifs à propergols solides AED 003 Les facteurs humains dans l’aéronautique : concepts et mise en pratique sur simulateur et avions DR400 AED 004 Qualités de vol des avions modernes - Commandes de vol électriques AED 005 L’approche industrielle du processus STC AED 006 Mécanique spatiale et contrôle des véhicules spatiaux AED 007 Conception des lanceurs et phases de rentrée AED 008 Initiation à la mécanique du vol AED 008D Introduction to flight mechanics AED 009 Systèmes propulsifs à propergols liquides AED 010 Conduite du vol AED 011 Conception de l’avion : techniques pour un avant-projet d'avion de transport commercial AED 012 Conception des satellites AED 013 Architecture des satellites AED 014 Segment sol de contrôle et opération des satellites AED 015 Architecture électrique avion : Les bases des systèmes électriques AED 017 Télémesures, télécommandes, localisation des satellites EUROSAE Short Aerospace courses Short courses taught in French in Paris in Toulouse Most of ISAE-SUPAERO certificates and short courses introduced in the pages above are components of our Advanced Masters Programmes. ISAE-SUPAERO also has a subsidiary, EUROSAE, fully dedicated to training professionals. EUROSAE has been offering professional education since 1960. It is based in Paris and Toulouse (inside ISAE-SUPAERO’s facilities). EUROSAE combines the advantages of agility and in-depth expertise thanks to the access it has to the expert ecosystems. Lecturers come from either the academic world or from industry. They form a network of 1,600 experts and can help you define your need and find a custom-designed training solution. ISAE-SUPAERO and EUROSAE work together on a day-to-day basis to build new teaching solutions and make the most of their assets and strengths, such as their facilities and human resources. We can work with industrial partners to create new programs such as the following executive certificate in Value Driven Systems Engineering, which resulted from a need expressed by CAP GEMINI and is a spin-off from our SEN Advanced Master Programme operated by EUROSAE. Professional and custom-made courses with EUROSAE 30 ////////