Brochure Executive education_ISAE-SUPAERO_2025

For the past several years, the Institute has been an environment conducive to “digital learning”. The IDEA (Innovative Digital & Education for Aerospace) is a multidisciplinary skilled team focused on teaching through digital technology. It takes an innovation-oriented approach in the context of R&D activities on technologies for education. IDEA participates in the development of training programs using digital technology and provides support to teachers in conducting digital educational activities. Executive Education going digital at ISAE-SUPAERO IDEA teams also developed innovative EdTech platforms for ISAE-SUPAERO and beyond! • NaaS (Nuggets as a Service): This technical and functional ecosystem allows the implementation and delivery of ADN (« Aerospace Digital Nuggets », sort of micro-content proposed as a service-oriented approach to various distributed learning management systems. As a result, we are able to build online courses in LMS, MOOC or microlearning platforms. • I REAL (Interactive Remote Experimentation for Active Learning): The platform focuses on learning by doing and scientific experimentation. It enables large numbers of students to simultaneously use the experimental devices to access a digitized version of the equipment. Currently being developed with ENAC: an online training programs range, mainly asynchronous, for experienced engineers working in aviation or aeronautical sector and willing to enhance their knowledge and skills. This program aims at enabling them to take an active role in environmental transition thanks to advanced theories, methods and tools to: - assess the environmental impact on aviation/ aeronautical activities; - to design responsible products and services for sustainable development; - to lead breakthrough solutions implementation. Check out the IREAL experiments already online 7 online courses are accessible to the 118 million registered learners of the Coursera digital training platform: Flight Mechanics, Structural dynamics, New Space... Discover few open-education ADN presented into the Groupe ISAE Microlearning platform • 34 ////////