Brochure Mastère Spécialisé® ISAE-SUPAERO 2025

The «MASTÈRE SPÉCIALISÉ®» is a collective trademark and label owned by the «Conférence des Grandes Ecoles» or CGE, a network of some of the finest French engineering schools. The highly rigorous accreditation process is a guarantee of program content excellence. Advanced Master programs, taught in english, are one-year postgraduate courses (6 months of classes and projects, and 6 months of thesis) of professionally-oriented advanced studies. Main recruiters Business areas Aeronautics 51 % Others 9 % Space 29 % 90 % started their career in France 76 % hired before obtaining their degree Job opportunities for our graduates 7 REASONS TO CHOOSE an ISAE-SUPAERO Advanced Master’s program 1 Expertise Increase your expertise in the fields of aeronautics, space, innovation, project management, complex systems, I.A. and digital. 2 Management skills Acquire dual management skills in order to be able to manage teams and manage complex and technical projects. 3 Innovation Expand your knowledge in technology and innovation domains which are at the heart of ISAE-SUPAERO’s courses. 4 Research Engage with the most advanced research driving our innovative science and technology curriculum. Six teaching and research departments cover both specialized and multi-disciplinary scientific topics. 5 International experience Acquire international experience in Toulouse, the European aerospace capital. Students and lecturers come from all over the world. 6 Professional and alumni network Connect with the ISAE-SUPAERO alumni network of 30,000 graduates worldwide. Benefit from our ongoing partnerships with the leading aerospace companies. (More than 250 companies support ISAE-SUPAERO’s development and 35 partnerships with companies.) 7 Exciting career prospects Get high level responsibilities in the industrywith the support of our Career Center. The Career Center has a key role to help students to make the most of their skills. It helps students to prepare their career path (Resume, motivation letter, interview…). It gives an access to ISAE-SUPAERO’s job board. It organizes many events all year long such as lectures, recruitment days, recruitment forums, company visits… Strategy and management consulting Transport IT Survey on 1st jobs, graduating class 2023 net ork of some of th finest Fr ch ngineering and business schools. The highly rigorous accreditation process is a i English or French, are postgraduate cour es (6 months of classes and projects, and 6 months of thesis) of professionally-oriented advanced stu ies. Close-up on the class of 2023 Business areas space & Defense Others Engineering consulting Make your passion for aerospace engineering a reality thanks to our worldclass Masters programs! 60 % 18 % 5 % 5 % 3 % 9 %