Brochure Mastère Spécialisé® ISAE-SUPAERO 2025

TAS AERO > Aeronautical Engineering majors Aircraft Design / Flight Test Engineering OBJECTIVES To develop a high skills level in engineering science, neuro-ergonomics for human factors, current technologies, design and management of aeronautical systems, or flight test methodologies. CONTENTS Structures and materials - Flight physics - Avionics and systems - Flight test engineering - Aircraft design engineering. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Job research engineer, test engineer or design engineer, consultant Sector: Aerospace industry worldwide. IEVEX > Experimental Flight Test engineering TAUGHT IN FRENCH OBJECTIVES To prepare experienced pilots and engineers selected by EPNER to design, execute and analyze flight tests on aircraft, equipment and airborne systems. CONTENTS Aerospace techniques performance tests - propulsion test - handling tests - embedded systems tests… 110 flight hours on fixed wing or rotary wing aircraft. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Experimental flight test pilot or engineer performing flight tests. Partner: EPNER AERONAUTICS //////// //////// AES > Aeronautical and Space Structures OBJECTIVES To ensure participants acquire an in-depth and multi-disciplinary culture in mechanical engineering as applied to structures. To train specialists in design, optimization and certification of structures. To provide expert knowledge in modelling & simulation methods for aircraft and spacecraft structure analysis. CONTENTS Aerospace structures: methods & tools for engineering & dynamics - Aerospace systems architecture - Aerospace structures: dynamics & physics- Aerospace program & technologies. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Associate professional in the context of systems design and integration, Manufacturing Process Optimization, systems architect, change leader, in major aerospace companies. HADA > Helicopter, Aircraft and Drone Architecture OBJECTIVES To acquire the basic skills required for aeronautical engineers (architecture, certification and structures) and specific skills to identify problems, generate alternatives, choose and implement solutions on aircraft, helicopters and drones. To get comprehensive training from systems to structures through aerodynamics, flight dynamics and certification while encouraging and taking into account the diversity of the profiles of the selected students. CONTENTS Aircraft structures, Aircraft architecture and Certification Fixed-wing Aircraft - Helicopter Drone. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Job opportunities in design, certification and operations of civil and military aircrafts, drones and helicopters in France and abroad. Partner: AIRBUS Helicopters SPA > Systèmes de Propulsion Aérospatiale TAUGHT IN FRENCH OBJECTIVES To train propulsion engineers, able to design and operate gas turbines, specialized in internal aerodynamics, with a multidisciplinary knowledge of propulsion systems. To provide with expert knowledge in energetics, fluid dynamics and aerothermodynamics applied to propulsion systems. CONTENTS - Propulsive systems and architectures - Advanced fluid dynamics, CFD, aeroelasticity and aeroacoustics - Turbomachinery aerodynamics and design - Combustion and multiphase flows. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Engineer positions with aerospace engine manufacturers in: design, research and development, and testing facilities. Possibility to pursue with PhD.