Brochure Mastère Spécialisé® ISAE-SUPAERO 2025

ADVANCED MASTERS MASTÈRE SPÉCIALISÉ® SEN > Systems ENgineering RNCP Certified N°36470 - Professional certification Architect - Manager in Systems Engineering (MS) OBJECTIVES To provide the international aerospace industry with skilled professionals equipped to specify, to design, to deploy and to maintain complex systems. To develop a system approach with the capacity to federate and manage various, interwoven and complementary activities. To prepare systems engineers to work in various industrial sectors including space, aeronautics, air traffic control, land transport systems, etc. CONTENTS Systems Engineering - Systems Modelling and Analysis - Systems Engineering Data Technical Management - Human factors - Systems Dependability - Systems Performance Assessments & Management - Systems design and Architecture - ILS. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Jobs in Engineering Systems Team within industries in different economic sectors, either in major companies or consulting companies in aircraft, ships, military and defense systems, automotive or other industries developing and producing smaller high technology products (cameras, mobile phones, printers, computers, etc.). EMS > Embedded Systems OBJECTIVES To prepare embedded systems experts with both system level and functional level design skills. To develop a system approach through integrated projects to master methods & tools used in aeronautics, space and the automotive sector. CONTENTS Embedded Systems core - Energy - Networks - Embedded Systems design - Embedded Systems applications. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Employment as designer, developer, research engineer including project manager in design and development of innovative embedded systems. Partner: INP-ENSEEIHT AIBT > Artificial Intelligence & Business Transformation *RNCP renewal in progress OBJECTIVES This Advanced Master is part of the necessary transformation of data valuation, particularly by Artificial Intelligence. This program targets new jobs by offering part-time training for technical managers or high-potential managers. CONTENTS Project Management - Artificial Intelligence Internals - Business Aspects of Artificial Intelligence - Hands-on practice. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Data Evangelist, Project manager in Artificial Intelligence, Manager of data engineers, data analysts, data miners and data scientists etc. Partner: IRT St Exupéry, TBS education DIGITAL //////// //////// SYSTEMS ENGINEERING //////// ////////