Brochure Master in Aerospace Engineering ISAE-SUPAERO 2025

/ 2 / Access to an extensive active international alumni network: Inventors from the designer of the first jet aircraft to the inventor of the black box CEOs and high level executives such as: Guillaume Faury, CEO at AIRBUS; Nicolas Maubert, Space Counsellor to the French Embassy and CNES Representative in the United States and Aude Vignelle, CTO at the Australian Space Agency. Directors of major programmes such as Caravelle, Concorde, Airbus A320, Airbus A380 and Airbus 350 Astronauts: Thomas Pesquet, Luca Parmitano and Sophie Adenot Many alumni working on space missions Founders of Start-ups A wide range of degree programmes in aerospace engineering: An exceptional environment in the heart of Toulouse Europe’s leading hub of aerospace industries, laboratories and universities A public higher education and research institution 1,900 students 40% international students 65 nationalities present on campus 37 programmes A SPIRIT OF CONQUEST FROMTHE VERY BEGINNING Created by ambitious, passionate scientists, ISAESUPAERO was the very first aeronautical engineering school in the world, founded more than 100 years ago. Today, our passion and vision remain intact. They drive us and take us forward in our quest for academic and scientific excellence. Over time, our graduates have contributed greatly to the development of the aerospace sector and ISAE-SUPAERO has earned a solid international reputation thanks to its engineers and the quality of its academic programs and researchers. The wide range of programs and the many partnerships forged with the academic and industrial worlds have made ISAE- SUPAERO a point of reference and a model to follow. ISAE-SUPAERO A world leader in aerospace engineering higher education