Brochure Master in Aerospace Engineering ISAE-SUPAERO 2025

Faced with the climate emergency, aeronautics must be reinvented. This will involve technological breakthroughs, of which hydrogen is one. This is why we are working on the design of the MERMOZ drone, a liquid hydrogen drone, capable of long-distance flight with no CO2 emissions. In 2023, the first Mermoz Drone demonstrator powered by gaseous hydrogen successfully carried out its first radiocontrolled flight on the runway of the Muret model flying club in the Toulouse region. “For this pioneering Mermoz Drone project, we are carrying out important academic work on the hydrogen chain. We aim to validate the models developed during this phase so that they can be used for larger-scale aircraft. This work also enables us to enrich the teaching provided by our students and prepare them for the disruptive technologies that will underpin decarbonised aviation,” explained Jean-Marc Moschetta, professor at ISAE-SUPAERO. ISAE-SUPAERO, COMMITTED TO THE ENERGY TRANSITION FOR AVIATION We have a key role to play for the world of tomorrow. Everyone needs to do their part to tackle the environmental and social challenges of the 21st century. Convinced that higher education and research are major levers in the transition to a sustainable society, ISAE-SUPAERO has placed sustainable development and the ecological transition of aviation at the core of its commitment. The ambition of the Institute is formalized in the Horizons roadmap, which encompasses all areas of the Institute’s operations, including campus life, innovation, research, and education. These actions were highlighted in 2022 by the Institute’s 2nd place in the Les Echos Start/Change Now ranking of engineering schools most committed to the ecological transition. The Institute trains its students to meet the challenge of the energy transition. By supporting them in their systemic approach, their ability to master complex systems and their involvement in public debate, we give them the keys to invent the world of tomorrow. For Master’s students, this includes: � Courses dedicated to environmental and social issues, � Conferences by experts and awareness sessions throughout the year. FOCUS ON THE MERMOZ PROJECT / 4 / More about the Mermoz Project