Brochure Master in Aerospace Engineering ISAE-SUPAERO 2025

Aircraft Design and Operation Pathway: Students in the Aerospace Structures, Aerospace Systems & Control, and Systems Engineering majors can follow the Aircraft Design and Operation pathway. In this case they can attend two dedicated modules: Aircraft Design Methods and Multidisciplinary Optimization in Semester 2, and they conduct their Research project in this field. Examples of multidisciplinary projects undertaken in the pathway are: - Overall Aircraft Design of Blended Wing Body Architecture, - Thermal Management of a Fuel-Cell Propulsion Pod Installed Under the Wings, - Multifidelity Aerodynamic Optimization for Aircraft Design. New partnership with the National School of Meteorology Second year students from the MAE can chose to conduct their third semester’s Major in the Semester 9 programme of the Weather & Climate Sciences curriculum at the National School of Meteorology in Toulouse. Six teaching units compose this programme: ∙ Gather weather and climate observation data, ∙ Set up and use simulation tools in NWP – Numerical, Weather Prediction – to forecast weather and climate, ∙ Climate Change Issues: a formal debate, ∙ Answering a need from a client at a Weather and Climate Service, ∙ The Economic Value of Met and Climate Information ∙ Personal Project. / 9 /