Executive Education_ISAE-SUPAERO_brochure_2023-2024

Conduite et gestion de projet - MP201 Course supervisor: Frédéric Minart, INDIANA CONSEIL & FORMATION Key contents: Project management overview (organization and steering notions), project simulation, risk and events management. Project environment: human factors, after-project steps, customer/ subcontractor relationship management. Négociation - MP 253 Course supervisor: Vincent Frey, KEDGE BS Key contents: Negotiation strategies, identifying rational and irrational needs, designing win-win proposals, stand definition and defense, trust building; uncertainty management, conflict management, creativity and strategy plans. Lean Startup - MP303 Course supervisor: Youenn Cosotti, BACK MARKET et Nicolas Prévitali, UBER FRANCE Key contents: Reducing time to market, customer-centric and MVP (Minimum Viable Product) approaches. Business models, Osterwalde matrix, product or service prototyping, Mock up and wireframes tools, early adopters community management, Defining, analyzing and reporting key performance indicators. Méthodes Agile et scrum - MP312 Course supervisor: Géry Schneider, IBM Key contents: Customer-centric project management approach, team productivity boosters (versatility, multitasking), Agile approach introduction: values, principles and most commonly used methods (Kanban, Scrum…). Taught in French PROJECT MANAGEMENT 24 ////////